Tuesday, 18 September 2007

helo my tribe
ive seen heard and had many amazing experience
on my travels on the west coast of canada
to shambal festavol in bc , sooo increadable then to the
sunchine coast in vancouver down to the burniing man
festavols and im now in san fransisco
staying in a house called the magic funk palace, hehe
so yeahh
there is a comunity/family/tribe out here that is soo beutiful to behold
sharing permaculture art ,performance,
film, music,, even architecture and masonary and
zero point technologies,
soo many,, fully galactivated beings
all creating self manfesting abundance
and a bright vision of how we could live and survive
art fully creative free comunity
culture that feels 20 years in the future
i have heard thru encounters of such amazing characters
who tell of such bright futures
and we will be suported by
our integrety to be as one world tribe


Art is the Skin of Eternity
Art is the window to the Future

If we can paint our Dreams
we will start seeing them
they will be new layers over Reality

Art is our Soul's Education
Art is the Ultimate Temple

Friday, 20 July 2007


"Shamanism is not a religion, it's a set of techniques, and the principal technique is the use of psychedelic plants. What psychedelics do is they dissolve boundaries, and in the presence of dissolved boundaries, one cannot continue to close one's eyes to the ruination of the earth, the poisoning of the seas, and the consequences of two thousand years of unchallenged dominator culture, based on monotheism, hatred of nature, suppression of the female, and so forth and so on. So, what shamans have to do is act as exemplars, by making this cosmic journey to the domain of the Gaian ideas, and then bringing them back in the form of art to the struggle to save the world."~

-Terence McKenna

Wednesday, 18 July 2007

Sun and Moon

Ummm first post, and I'm not sure where this is gonna end up :S I doodled this a while ago and forgot about it until earlier tonight, I started colouring it, but it's probably gonna take me the next 10 years to finish it, so if anyone wants to have a go, mess around with it, change it completely... feel free!

Tuesday, 17 July 2007

Freedom of creativity vs common sense and the industry

It's the whole Humanity vs Society debate all over again. But I do not fully want to go there so I just wish to cover the following points.

1.Legal - Would you be prepared to cover yourself and why?


If you produced something that was then sold only to become the centre of a legal dispute. Perhaps it ended up all broken or it wasn't as seemed.

You have posted a topic on a blog or messageboard that was creative but crossed the line a little.

You worked with a friend on a project and things are starting to go wrong. Money is an issue but you believe your friend doesn't disserve as much as they asked for.

Any suggestions?

2. Structuring - Alot of people would prefer to "wing it" when it comes to creativity but in business structures will need to be in place to support the people who work within its bounderies. What are your thoughts?


If someone found themselves in trouble on their own or someones else's project will there be something in place to help them out or even to prevent that from happening?

Financing a project may require outside sourcing will the company be able to offer support or even inside funding?

If a large scale company offered work to an individual of the group and they turned around and broke their agreement. Would the group unify as one, like a union to protect everyone within the business?

Any suggestions?

3.Incomes - the business will have a variety of ways to build portfolios at a professional level aswell as acheiving a comfortable income. Was there any ideas or perspectives to think of in consideration to the following.

i) Ouside freelance work. Outside sources come to the business posting freelance work, terms and what they offer. Could be general or specifically to an individual.

ii) Selling. To sell in the business's own store, exhibition, or to distributors.

iii) Auction. Not having a fixed price in mind. Could be for charity or this may be th outlet you want to use.

iv) Finding a buyer. You may have created something in spare time. If it makes you money then that's a plus. You have a right to choose who purchases rights to your work.

Any suggestions?

There will probably be more. As for now that's all the info I require. I'll keep everyone posted.

I've posted this very same message around some other boards to gain as much feedback as possible. Please be as honest as can be and don't hold back.

Thursday, 28 June 2007

hello everyone

hello and greetings,

Welcome to the sun and moon collective. As you maya or may not know this is the starting point to something amazing. There are plans in development that will lay down the foundations for a structure that allows the freedom of creativity, the time to live your lives and to earn money whilst your doing it. But it's going to be hard.

Sun and Moon is the first step bringing together individuals of different talents together in one place. Communicating, expressing, having fun or showing off. It's a start.

I assure you all with what we have in mind will take all of this to whole new level.

A date will be posted for the anouncement.

So keep your eyes peeled.

Wednesday, 20 June 2007


The body of my work
is the body of my Muse

Music always comes from silence
Whispered in the hypnotic contemplations

People thought I was lost in my mind
People thought I was making a movie inside
But I was hearing the soundtrackof the most beautiful moments of my life

I could only understand grattitude after I died
I only live with grattitude now because I have died

What some call modulation
I call enchantment by means of a glare

What some call progression
I call waiting inside the flame
What some call harmony
I call souls that touch and exchange and experience true fusion
What some call dissonance
I call the neverending relentless search for balance when two negatives collide
healing eachother

rising in love the more they fall in love as they let all fears subside
the more they deepen the connection and experience true intimacy

when sharing becomes urgent, and more important than competing or putting on acts or inventing games

What some call transition
I call tears of acceptance
which slowly increases the volume of the smiles
until the soul explodes in laughter
when finally simply accepting, gaining consciousness and awareness
of the necessary liberation
essencial in order to start a new cycle...

the multidimensional portuguese guitar

Tuesday, 19 June 2007

Sunday, 17 June 2007

the alchemy of the storm

The alchemy of the storm

the Maestro stands inside Saturn's ring
he holds his baton like a magic wand
crystallizing emotions
through the alchemy of the storm
painting inner sounds of infinite depths
colours are spread musically
like a new layer over reality

constant change
and balance is the dynamics of the waves that come and go
and the more deeply you breathe
the more deeply you feel
the more beautiful the sculptures that form
from the dragon's breath

Wednesday, 13 June 2007

Come to the Sabbat

Help me in my search knowledge

I must find the secret ark

Who dares to help me raise the one

Whose very name seals my heart


Yo Mark et al

This is Tommy Tucker Mother Fucker logging in

for some arcane blog-itivity

Monday, 11 June 2007

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

hey guys im off to canada in the mornig,,
ill be keeping in touch on here tho so please,,
, keep on bloging,,

Sunday, 10 June 2007

Indigo Revolution

"Indigo Revolution"

we are the army of creation
we are the army of love
we're going to share our revelations
we're going to change the world

meeting in our dreams
with angels as allies
living in kingdoms of beauty
underneath limitless sky

we heard the calling of gaya
horizons are burning our eyes
we heard the calling of our hearts
timelessness fills all our nights

and mystery runs in our veins
our blood wants to turn into wine
we live for the mystical union
our soul feeds from the divine

could it be we're all having the same dreams?
are we really breaking free from the machine?
we won't have to worry about things not being what they seem
we'll just be who we are
we have to share our revelations
isn't that what they are for?
we have to make ourselves another nation
we have the right to lose control

we heard the calling of gaya
horizons are burning our eyes
we heard the calling of our hearts
timelessness fills all our nights

and mystery runs in our veins
our blood wants to turn into wine
we live for the mystical union
our soul feeds from the divine

we're dancing as never before
we're dancing in Pele's Core

speaking in a language beyond any language

we're dancing as never before
we're dancing in Pele's Core

it's about time we forget about time

some magik

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

a sigil
5 years time
calledout to the north
at the desert temple of abu simbai
fresh winds blew the smoke of a wish
to the shores zuvuyz
open space
and unity

Hello all...

Well...Finally....My first blog? whaever that is?

ah...well...I am resposible for the simple little circle design that good ol' dyl posted.
Had a wicked time today watching him changing levels and reminding me how to use photoshop!
Good ol Dyl...baffling me with magic wands and flattening images....it all came back to me today, maybe i might even start doodling a bit more again...hence the logo.

Well short and sweet...bye bye

cant wait to see more cool designs.

Sun and moon logos

Here's some sun and moon logos from me and Stu.

Saturday, 9 June 2007

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

hey this is a poster i did for a company
that may help us one day
welcome ryaan ,,
yay this is gona be awsome




I love this guitar hero advert.

Ill have a go at a logo tonight.


Friday, 8 June 2007

yeah a logo would be a great start


Hi everybody.

Maybe we could start working together on some ideas?

We should design a logo! We need one!

Leave suggestions in the comments or just post some ideas up!


First Post

Hey everyone!

This is a great idea, thanks Mark.

Without further ado let's get some stuff uploaded!


heloo everyone

helo every one, please feel free to just upload any artwork music ideas stories ,
lets get the ball rolling

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Thursday, 7 June 2007

Wednesday, 6 June 2007

Tuesday, 5 June 2007


This is the “sun and moon collective” here we will try to share ideas with each other.

Please leave comments.

Feel free to start new discussions.

And submit work to be putt up.